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Search Tips

Looking for a vanity number for your Las Vegas based realty company?
Enter "Vegas" and click Search.

Looking for a toll free number that matches your office number?
Enter the 7 digit number in the number field (e.g. 5551212) and click Search.

Enter "dog" to search for a toll free number that contains the text "dog".

Enter "0000" to search for a toll free number that contains 4 contiguous zeros.

Enter * to match any digit.

Enter & to repeat a digit.
(e.g. &&& finds numbers where 3 numbers repeat; &0&0&0 finds any number like 707070 or 808080).

Enter % for a second repeating digit (e.g., &%&% finds any number like 1212, 1313, 2323, 2424, etc.).

Click the Starts With button to look for numbers that match at the beginning.

Click the Ends With button to look for numbers that match at the end.

For more help, click the Help option.

Enter a number, word, or phrase in the "Number:" field to start.


  • Looking for a vanity number for your Las Vegas based realty company? Enter "Vegas" and click the Search button.
  • Looking for a toll free number that matches your office number? Just enter the 7 digit number in the number field (e.g. 5551212) and click the Search button.

The default search allows you to search the national toll free database for spare (available) toll free numbers that match your input criteria. Toll free numbers start with the NPAs 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877 and 888. The 800 NPA is highly sought after and has been around the longest. As of September 2008, there are very few 800 NPA numbers in the available state. 888 is the next most commonly recognized toll free NPA. 877, 866, 855, 844 and 833 have not been around as long, but there are plenty of great vanity numbers available in those NPAs. Remember they are all toll free numbers!

If you want to limit your search to a specific toll free NPA (e.g. 888) click that box and try your search. You may click multiple NPA's as well (e.g. 888 and 800).

The Number box allows you to enter a telephone number or vanity text entry without dashes or parentheses.
Specify (using the drop-down list) the maximum number of trailing characters that you are willing to see at the end of a vanity number spelling. (e.g. 800-GOT-JUNK is a famous vanity number. Search for GOTJUNK and select trailing digits 1 - sample results may include a memorable number like 888-3GOTJUNK for your business.) Remember don't limit yourself to 7 Digits. A lot of good vanity numbers use extra digits (notably 1-800-MATTRESS "and leave the last S off for savings!")